Marina Caneve


    +39 348 0520953

Marina Caneve (1988) develops artistic projects exploring the interaction between photography and research. In her practice the stratification between disciplines and languages is crucial and her projects mainly arise from questioning stereotyped and frontal narratives. She is currently focusing on the idea of ecosystems both environmental and cultural. 
In 2023 Caneve received the Italian Council fellowship with the project Bridges are Beautiful (working title) promoted by FMAV - Fondazione Modena Arti Visive and UGM - Umetnostna galerija Maribor. With "Are they Rocks or Clouds?" she won numerous awards including the Giovane Fotografia Italiana (currently Premio Luigi Ghirri), the Dummy Award at Cortona On The Move, the Bastianelli Award for the best Italian photobook and was nominated for the Prix du livre des Rencontres d’Arles. She was also finalist of the C/O Berlin Talent Award (2021) and the Premio Gabriele Basilico (2020).
Caneve’s work was exhibited internationally in institutions such as MAXXI in Rome, Fotohof in Salzburg, Institut Néerlandais in Paris and La Triennale in Milano; her work belongs to the collections of institutions such as MAXXI, MUFOCO, MiBACT, ICCD, National Mountain Museum. In recent years she was commissioned artistic researches such as Atlante Sapienza 22, MAXXI; Italia Inclusiva, MAECI; Tredici sguardi sui Musei Lombardia, Direzione Musei Lombardia; Atlante Architettura Contemporanea, MiC e Mufoco; Unesco, ICCD; Marghera on stage, Padiglione Venezia, La Biennale di Venezia.
Her major publications include Are they Rocks or Clouds? (Fw:Books), Di roccia, fuochi e avventure sotterranee (Quodlibet/Ghella), The Valley Between Peaks and Stars  (Quodlibet), The Shape of Water Vanishes in Water (A+Medizioni). She is co-founder of CALAMITA/À (2013-ongoing), an interdisciplinary platform with a focus on catastrophes and especially the Vajont. Calamita/à was awarded with the Strategia Fotografia fellowship in 2023.
She combines her practice with teaching at Master IUAV in Photography, Spazio Labo’ and giving workshops for different institutions.
In 2023 Marina Caneve is awarded of the Italian Council program (12th edition, 2023), which aims to promote Italian contemporary art worldwide. Caneve is represented by Montrasio Arte.
She published books with Fw:Books, OTM, A&Mbookstore Edizioni, Quodlibet. Her books
are designed by Hans Gremmen, Leonardo Sonnoli, Filippo Nostri, Metodo Studio and SYB
Caneve is co-founder of CALAMITA/À which in 2023 is awarded of the Strategia Fotografia grant.
She teaches at
Master IUAV in Photography and Spazio Labo’, she also gives workshops.
Selected interwievs and articles: ASX, Artribune, ATP Diary, FOAMGUP, Vogue.

Solo Exhibitions
/ A terra tra gli animali, FMAV - Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, curated by Daniele De Luigi (upcoming 2024, it)
/ A terra tra gli animali, UGM - Umetnostna galerija Maribor, curated by Daniele De Luigi (2024, sl)
/ Are They Rocks or Clouds?, IIC Bucharest and Switch Lab Bucharest, Double-solo show curated by Alessandro Dandini de Sylva and designed by Etaoin Shrdlu Studio (2023-2024, ro)

Collective Exhibitions
/ Atlante Sapienza, curated by Simona Antonacci in Fuori tutto curated by Baetolomeo Pietromarchi, MAXXI, (2023-2024, it)
/ Future Perfect, curated by Katharina Zimmermann, Fotodoks, Munich (2023, de)
/ Risk, curated by Julia Bunneman, RAW Photo Triennale, Worpswede (2023, de)
/ TRE·DI·CI Sguardi sui Musei Lombardia, curated by Matteo Balduzzi, Emanuela Daffra, Gabriella Guerci and Giulia Valcamonica, Palazzo Reale, Milan (2023, it)
/ FOTOGRAFE! Dagli archivi Alinari a oggi, curated by Emanuela Sesti and Walter Guadagnini, Forte Belvedere, Florence (2022, it)
/ Eyes on tomorrow. Fotografia italiana nel mondo, curated by Ilaria Campioli and Daniele De Luigi, IIC Algeri, Algiers (2022, dz)
/ Atlante Architettura Contemporanea, curated by Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandra Cerroti and Luciano Antonino Scuderi, Palazzo Abatellis, Rome (2022, it)
/ Fosfeni, curated by Carlo Sala, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Pieve di Soligo (2022, it)
/ Nature Future, curated by Collectif Fetart, Prague, Berlin, Stuttgart (2022, cz, de, de)
/ Ridisegnare lo spazio. Marina Caneve, Andreas Gefeller, Giulia Marchi, Massimo Vitali, curated by Angela Madesani, Labs Contemporary Arts, Bologna (2022, it)
/ Di roccia, fuochi e avventure sotterranee, curated by Alessandro Dandini de Sylva, MAXXI L’Aquila, L’Aquila (2022, it)
/ Earthlings, curated by Jenny Smets, Atelier Neèrlandais, Paris (2021, fr)
/ Atlante Architettura Contemporanea, curated by Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandra Cerroti and Luciano Antonino Scuderi, Triennale, Milan (2021, it)
/ Di roccia, fuochi e avventure sotterranee, curated by Alessandro Dandini de Sylva, MAXXI, Rome (2021, it)
/ Bridges are Beautiful, curated by Jon Uriarte, GETXOPHOTO (2021, es)
/ Reset, curated by MAPS, De Markten, Brussels (2021, be)
/ Not only history, but our memories, curated by Carlo Sala, Podbielski Contemporary, Milan (2021, it)
/ Photo Open Up, curated by Carlo Sala, Museo Eremitani, Padua (2020, it)
/ Qui c’è un mondo fantastico, curated by Giangavino Pazzola and Veronica Lisino, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Turin (2020, it)
/ Sguardo lucido, curated by Andrew Phelps and Herman Seidl, Fotohof, Salzburg (2019, at)
/ Cortona On The Move, curated by Arianna Rinaldo, Cortona (2019, it)
F4 Un’idea di fotografia, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, curated by Carlo Sala, (2019, it)
/ Looking On, MAR – Museo d’Arte Ravenna, curated by Osservatorio Fotografico, Ravenna (2019, it)
/ Emerging Talents, Mattatoio (ex Macro Testaccio), Rome (2018-2019, it)
/ ACTIVISM – Giovane Fotografia Italiana, curated by Daniele de Luigi, Fotografia Europea – Reggio Emilia (2018, it)
/ Step, Kneel, Rub, Touch, Look, Grasp, Repeat, Page Blanche Gallery, Paris (2018, fr)
/ Photo London and Photo Espana Book Dummy Award exhibition (2018, uk – es)
/ 101ma Collettiva, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice (2017, it)
/ Unseen Dummy Award, Unseen, Amsterdam (2017, nl)
/ Prospettive Trasversali, curated by Fondazione Marangoni, Le Murate, Florence (2017, it)
/ The Power of the Single Image, Melkweg Expo, Amsterdam (2017, nl)
/ CALAMITA/À, Matèria gallery, Rome (2016, it)
/ Abitare il Deserto, curated by Osservatorio Fotografico and Giovanni Zaffagnini, Museo San Rocco, Fusignano (2016, it)
/ Survey of the industrial area of Porto Marghera, Venice Pavilion for the 15th Architecture Biennale, La Biennale di Venezia (2016, it)
/ ALT+1000, curated by Beatrice Andrieux, Rossiniére (2015, ch)
/ Premio Nascimben, Fondazione Benetton, Treviso (2014, it)
/ CALAMITA/À & Landscape Stories/ Guardians, SI Fest23, Savignano (2013, it)
/ Investigazioni private, curated by Carlo Sala, La Fornace, Asolo (2013, IT)
Awards & Grants
Italian Council - Edizione 12, International art commission and acquisition, with Fondazione Modena Arti Visive and UGM | Maribor Art Gallery (Umetnostna galleria Maribor, Slovenia), (2023, it, sl)
Strategia Fotografia, Calamita/à, with FAST (2023, it)
PAC - Piano per l'arte contemporanea 2023, Comune di Savignano sul Rubicone (2023, it)
L’italia è un desiderio, MUFOCO (2023, it)
Italia Inclusiva, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022, it)
C/O Berlin Talent Award, Finalist (2021, de)
FOAM Paul Huf, Nominated (2021, nl)
FUTURES, artist selected by Camera Torino, (2020, eu)
Prix du Livre, Rencontres d’Arles Book Awards, Finalist (2020, fr)
Premio Marco Bastianelli (2020, it)
IAlp, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino (2019, it)
Atlante Architettura Contemporanea
, MUFOCO e MiBACT (2019, it)
Cortona On The Move Dummy Award (2018, it)
Giovane Fotogafia Italiana, Fotografia Europea – Reggio Emilia (2018, it)
Docking Station, Artist Residency (2018, nl)
101ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Finalist (2017, it)
La Fàbrica – Photo London Book Dummy Award, Finalist (2017, es - uk)
Unseen Dummy Award, nominata, Amsterdam (2018, nl)
Premio Francesco Fabbri, nominata (2015, it)
Photo Annual Awards, Honorable Mention (2015, cz)
Rovinj Photodays – Artistic Concept, 1st Prize (2015, hr)
ALT+1000, Photography Festival of Rossiniére (2015, ch)
Premio Nascimben, 2nd Prize (2014, it)
97ma Collettiva Giovani Artisti, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Finalist (2013, it)
Fondazione Francesco Fabbri Artist Residency curated by Francesco Jodice (2013, it)

CollectionsCollezione Farnesina - Rome
ICCD, Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation - Rome
MAXXI | Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo - Rome
MUFOCO | Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea - Milan
Museo Nazionale della Montagna “Duca degli Abruzzi” - Turin


Are They Rocks or Clouds?, Cortona On The Move/ Fw: books (2019)
The Shape of Water Vanishes in Water/ La Forma dell’Acqua Svanisce nell’Acqua, catalogue, A&Medizioni bookstore (2018)

Books (collective)
Di roccia, fuochi e avventure sotterranee, Quodlibet/Ghella (2021)
The Valley Between Peaks and Stars, Quodlibet (2021)

The Walking Mountain, CALAMITA/À (2016)

Master IUAV in Photography, IUAV University, Venice (2019-)
Spazio Labo’, Bologna (2020-) 

Researching, Unlearning, Returning, ACCA Academy (2023)
Equilibri tra lo spettacolare e l'ordinario, Osservatorio OMNE (2023)
Equilibri, SOU - Scuola di Architettura per Bambini, Farm Cultural Park (2022)
Progetto Processo, Lunigiana Landart (2022)
Photography workshop, AHO Oslo School of Architecture and Design (2021)
CALAMITA/À interdisciplinary workshop, Parco Naturale delle Dolomiti Friulane (2015, it)

Lectures, Workshops, Talks (selection)
Immagini di immagini. Luigi Ghirri, Paesaggi di Cartone. Joan Fontcuberta, Marina Caneve e Davide Trabucco dialogano con Michele Smargiassi, Fotografia Europea Reggio Emilia, (2021, it)
Book Club 21, curated by Rob Honstra and Fotodok, Utrecht, (2020, nl)
Living Room, curated by Daria Tuminas, Unseen, Amsterdam (2019, nl)
CALAMITA/À, Fonderia 20.9, Verona (2018, it)
CALAMITA/À ,Vajont in collaboration with LATITUDE platform, RIGA Summer Intensive Workshop (2014, it)
Scuole di Venezia: la fotografia, Università IUAV Venice, Phd departement (2014, it)
I luoghi della fotografia. La fotografia come strumento conoscitivo e interpretativo, OAPPC Mantova, Mantova Architecture University (2014)

Publications (selection)
Vesper, Quodlibet (2022)
Abitare il deserto, Osservatorio Fotografico (2016)
RICICLI. Teorie da concetti nomadi e di ritorno, a cura di Sara Marini e Vincenza Santangelo, Aracne (2014)

BA Photography, Royal Academy of Arts, KABK Den Haag (nl, 2017)
MA Architecture and Sustainability, IUAV Architecture University Venice (it, 2013)

Website by Gluqbar Studio